Boxnen's Euro Style BH,AD,CD,SchH3,IPO3,CGC "ESSI"
DOB: 10-03-02
Died: 06-14-07

"Essi" was my 2nd dog I have titled form 0-SchH3. She was only 4 years old when she died of pyometra. She was just starting to be at the top of the world with competing in schutzhund and AKC agility and obedience. She had 2 legs towards her AKC NA (novice agility) and NAJ (novice jumpers) titles as well as 1 leg in AKC OPEN obedience towards her CDX. She was trained for FH that we never got to do with her as she passed. This loss has been the hardest to deal with as she was so very young. I miss you Essi!!!

2001 & 2003 USA-BOX Working Champion FLIRTIN ILONA BH,SchH3, IPO3, WH,FH,CDX,TD,CGC,TDI
DOB: 5.18.96 - DIED: 1.19.06
"Kia" was my first REAL working dog I trained. She was a real spark plug. She was solely trained out of pray drive as a puppy and had ton of natural aggression. She earned qualifying score at the 2003 USA-BOX Working Championships under judge Fransiska Storring with score to go to 2004 AWDF and ATIBOX WM. She also trialed at 2003 North Central Regionals under Michael Caputo. With 2 other boxers making history of working boxers in America with them. She earned 240.
I made many mistakes with her as a novice handler not getting the right help for her and me. And then switching to my then new trainers they ended up doing "ous-Platz" with her. Because of her outing problem. She was a nasty little girl on the field (LOVE IT!!!). At home the best companion I could ask for (minus the "golden" color dog aggression that was caused by a yellow lab trying to hump her and me while at dog park when she was a baby).
SHE WAS A SPECIAL DOG! Her legend lived with her daughter "Essi" and lives in her grand daughter "Oona"
Here is a link to more pictures of Kia... http://picasaweb.google.com/boxnen/FlirtinIlona?authkey=WyRXlYEshvw&feat=directlink

Boxnen's Get In The Ring BH,CD,CGC,TDI
DOB 11.22.92
Died 11.30.01

"Ringo" was a daughter of "Mafi", she was 1/2 American and 1/2 Dutch She loved everyone and everything. Ringo and I started Schutzhund training at O.G. Bierstadt Schutzhund Club in Campbellsport WI. And funny story the location where they (OG Bierstadt) trained back then is owned by Stainig Tal Kennek & Police K9 Academy, where we are living now! "Ringo" never learned to track because I didn't have anyone helping my with her as I was so very new to the sport. She loved agility, we just did that for fun. She died of of a bloat at age 9. The kids were devastated, this was the first death of a pet they had lived.



1991 10th best female boxer shown in Finland. Handled by Minna.
DOB - 11.5.87
Died - 4.9.94

"Mafi" was my first boxer. She was beautiful inside and out. Judge Karl Erik Johnson wrote on one show form "AS BEAUTIFUL AS ALWAYS", she took best of breed of course at that show. She was put down because she had a tumor that grew from her mouth to her brain. She was born in Netherlands (Holland) and she was brought over to Finland to a show boxer breeders kennel, where I got her and brought her to America with me when I moved in Dec of 1991. "Mafi" is the mother of "Ringo" Boxnen's Get In The Ring BH,CD,CGC,TDI, "Ringo is mother of "Pomo" Boxnen's Armageddon BH,TR1,SchH1. "Mafi" is also GGG and mother of our stud dog "Sparta" Boxmann Star Trek BH,AD,WH,CGC